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Combining a Facelift and Fat Transfer at Chicago’s Iteld Plastic Surgery

By: Dr. Lawrence Iteld


A facelift can dramatically improve sagging skin and facial wrinkles, and combining it with a fat transfer procedure can take your results to the next level. At Iteld Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL, I offer facelift procedures with fat transfer. By combining these, patients can achieve a refreshed, youthful appearance with smoother contours and enhanced volume.

This dual approach ensures I address both structural and volume-related concerns, delivering a balanced profile and natural rejuvenation. Keep reading to learn why combining a facelift and fat transfer may be the perfect solution to help meet your aesthetic goals. 

Benefits of combining a facelift and fat transfer 

While a facelift addresses skin laxity and tightens underlying muscles, it does not restore lost volume. Facial fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, fills in areas that have become hollow or sunken in over time. By combining these two procedures, I am able to create comprehensive results that look youthful and harmonious. Specifically, the combination of facelift with fat grafting can help to: 

  • Improve sagging skin and wrinkles 
  • Restore natural facial volume 
  • Enhance delicate areas, such as the cheeks, lips, and under-eye region 
  • Provide smoother and more youthful contours 

The power-assisted lipo technique I use for fat transfer ensures precision in harvesting fat from your donor areas, such as the abdomen or thighs, for a natural and long-lasting result. Because the fat comes from your own body, the treatment minimizes the risk of adverse reactions, making it a safe and effective solution for patients looking to enhance their facial contours. 

Where we can inject fat into your face during a facelift

Common treatment areas for facial fat transfer in combination with a facelift include: 

  • Cheeks 
  • Under-eye area 
  • Lips 
  • Temples 
  • Nasolabial folds 

These areas often lose volume with age, leading to a tired or aged appearance. Fat grafting restores fullness to these regions, creating a more balanced and youthful look. Additionally, the restored volume helps soften facial lines and folds, providing a rejuvenated appearance without an “overdone” result. This combined approach allows patients to address multiple signs of aging simultaneously, enhancing both their confidence and their natural features. 

No opioid medication needed 

At Iteld Plastic Surgery, patient safety and comfort are top priorities. My smart recovery approach allows for a smoother, more comfortable recovery. This ensures you can resume your daily activities sooner without relying on heavy medications. And I believe you won’t need to worry about pain you won’t have!

Long-lasting results

The results of a facelift combined with fat transfer can be long-lasting. Over time, natural aging will still occur, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine will extend the longevity of your results. Patients who avoid significant weight fluctuations and sun damage often enjoy their results for many years or even decades, with the added benefit of looking refreshed and youthful. 

Achieve natural, youthful results with a combination facelift and fat transfer

If you’re looking to rejuvenate your appearance and restore lost facial volume, consider the benefits of combining a facelift with fat transfer. This innovative approach not only addresses sagging skin and wrinkles but also replenishes volume in key areas for a complete transformation. Please contact my experienced patient coordinators at [email protected], call 312.757.4505 , or use our contact form

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* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.