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Does Your New Year’s Resolution Include Plastic Surgery?

By: Our Team


As we look forward to a new year and, technically, a new decade, people have started making a new year’s resolution or two. Have you? Does it include plastic surgery? Should it? Maybe. It’s a possibility, but it has to be the right decision for you.

Why make a New Year’s resolution?

The start of the year is an opportunity for a fresh start including self-improvement. People often view this as the right time to decide about making positive changes involving diet, exercise, and more. Lifestyle changes are not only important, they are essential in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But many patients come to us complaining that these don’t help them reach their aesthetic goals no matter how hard they try.

That’s where we come in!

We have many patients and potential ones who come to us in late December and early January, telling us they’ve made a New Year’s resolution to improve their . They want to know what we can do for them. Of course, we offer a wide range of procedures—plastic surgery, minimally invasive and nonsurgical ones—that help patients obtain goals that diet and exercise cannot. And, of course, there is no magical way to wish away the signs of aging.

Our goal: Help patients look like a better version of themselves.

Frequently, patients who resolve to have surgery want to address something that has bothered them a long time and not just a spur-of-the-moment decision. That’s why you should have a clear idea of what you want and realistic expectations for the outcomes. You need to have a thorough understanding that a procedure or a combination of procedures can help but cannot and should not be a means to drastically alter your appearance.

Time to talk with us

Want to include a procedure as a New Year’s resolution? Now is a great time to speak with us. I invite you to contact my patient coordinators at [email protected] to schedule your confidential consultation.


Our new and expanded office is located at 939 W North Avenue, Suite 600, in Chicago’s Lincoln Park!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.