About Face

By: Our Team


Look older than you want? Tried nonsurgical or minimally invasive procedures but they just aren’t enough anymore. Maybe it’s time for an about-face and consider a facelift; it is the procedure that can give you the longest-lasting results.

Why a facelift?

You may have noticed skin drooping on your lower cheeks, which results in the appearance of jowls. Diagonal folds on the sides of the mouth may have become more apparent. Lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet are more visible, and the corners of the mouth have gotten saggy. As all these facial changes occur, you look older. A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excessive skin and repositions the remaining skin to correct sagging, folding, and wrinkling. By reversing the aging process, after a facelift, you could look 5–10 years younger or even more, and help you regain a more youthful appearance.

What does a facelift do?

Depending on what you need and the decisions we make in your pre-surgical consultation, your surgical goals may include some or all of the following:

Remove loose skin to tighten and smooth the skin on the mid to lower face, which also reduces drooping cheeks

  • Remove jowls
  • Remove excess neck skin
  • Improve the jawline appearance
  • Fill in the cheeks by adding fat to them
  • Many patients choose to have additional procedures performed at the same time, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery, to create more balanced results.

What about scars?

Patients don’t want to go through a facelift only to be left with visible scars. That’s why I minimize scars by hiding them. I make incisions where I can camouflage them in creases, at your hairline, and in natural lines. For sagging skin below the jawline, I often place a tiny incision underneath the chin where it is least visible.


The results of a facelift procedure can be very dramatic, but I prefer subtle changes. My goal is not to make you look a certain age or pulled tight, but instead, it is to give you natural-looking results. I want you to be a more refreshed version of yourself with smoother and wrinkle-free skin with a more youthful contour to your jawline.

Questions about a facelift?

We know you may have a lot of questions about having a facelift. That’s why we are here to answer your questions and help you plan your procedure. Please contact my patient coordinators at [email protected] to schedule your confidential consultation.


Our new and expanded office is located at 939 W North Avenue, Suite 600, in Chicago’s Lincoln Park!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.