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When Will Swelling Subside After Neck Lift Surgery?

By: Dr. Lawrence Iteld


Neck lift surgery is a popular procedure for patients looking to tighten sagging skin, remove excess fat, and achieve a more youthful and defined neck contour. While the results of a neck lift can be striking and natural looking, it's important to understand that swelling is a normal part of the recovery process. For most patients, the majority of neck lift swelling resolves by about 4 – 6 weeks after surgery, though this can vary somewhat from person to person. 

At Iteld Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL, board-certified aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon Dr. Lawrence Iteld specializes in neck lift surgery and other contouring procedures like liposuction to help patients achieve their desired appearance. Read on to learn more about the typical recovery timeline and when swelling from your neck lift will likely subside, as well as helpful tips to potentially speed up your healing process and avoid prolonged swelling.

How long does swelling last after a neck lift? 

Swelling is an expected part of the healing process following neck lift surgery, and its duration can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of your procedure, your body's healing response, and whether additional treatments like liposuction were performed. Typically, neck lift swelling follows this general progression timeline:

First few days 

Swelling will be at its peak during the first few days after surgery. Patients may notice tightness or puffiness around the neck and jawline, but this is normal as the body begins to heal. 


2 – 3 weeks 

By the end of the second or third week, much of the swelling should start to subside, and you can begin to see more defined results. However, some mild puffiness may still persist during this time. 


4 – 6 weeks 

Most swelling will have subsided by this time, allowing the optimal results of the neck lift to become more visible. For some patients, subtle residual swelling may last for a few more months, but this usually won't be noticeable to others. 

Everyone heals at their own pace, so your exact neck lift recovery timeline may differ slightly. Dr. Iteld will provide personalized aftercare instructions to help you manage swelling and ensure a smooth recovery. 

Can neck lift with liposuction cause swelling? 

For patients seeking enhanced neck contouring, Dr. Iteld may combine neck lift surgery with liposuction.  Liposuction is often used to remove excess fat from under the chin and along the jawline. Both of these procedures can add some additional swelling to the recovery process. 

With liposuction, swelling typically follows a similar timeline to the neck lift, with most puffiness subsiding within 4–6 weeks. The combination of these procedures can result in a more sculpted and refined appearance, but it's important to follow Dr. Iteld's postoperative care guidelines to reduce swelling and achieve the best possible outcome.

How can I reduce swelling after neck lift surgery? 

To help reduce swelling and ensure a smooth recovery, Dr. Iteld provides specific aftercare instructions tailored to each patient. Some effective general strategies for managing swelling after neck lift surgery include:   

  • Elevate your head while sleeping or resting to encourage fluid drainage  
  • Use cold compresses during the first few days post-surgery to reduce inflammation and discomfort  
  • Avoid physically demanding activities until Dr. Iteld gives you clearance, as strenuous movements can increase blood flow and worsen swelling  
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet, which supports the healing process and can reduce inflammation 

By closely following your aftercare plan, you can avoid delayed healing and begin enjoying your slim, sexy new neckline sooner. 

Say goodbye to a sagging turkey neck with neck lift surgery in Chicago, IL 

If you're considering neck lift surgery to achieve a smoother and more defined neck, Chicago, IL board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lawrence Iteld at Iteld Plastic Surgery offers personalized treatment plans and postoperative care. With advanced techniques like liposuction, Dr. Iteld can help you achieve enhanced results while minimizing swelling and discomfort. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward loving your newly contoured neckline.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.