It’s true: Winter is a great time for plastic surgery

By: Our Team


Any time of year produces great results for patients, and when you decide to have surgery is when it’s right for you. For many, winter is a great time for plastic surgery. Want to know why? Consider these reasons why patients benefit from having their procedures in winter:

  • Holidays and celebratory parties are behind us and it’s time to look forward to spring and summer.
  • Having surgery in winter gives you lots of time to recover and reveal your improved look by summer.
  • You’re bundled up against Chicago’s cold winter weather. It’s easier to stay indoors, avoid sun exposure, and even wear loose-fitting clothing.

So, let’s get you beach-ready!

Plastic Surgery for Women

We offer the full complement of breast surgeries—augmentation, revision, lift, reduction, and reconstruction. We also offer breast enhancement using fat transfer. Want a more contoured body? Popular procedures include liposculpture, tummy tuck, mommy makeovers, butt lift, and women’s health. A very popular service is a mommy makeover, a customizable combination of procedures to help you get back your pre-pregnancy body. Several procedures may be performed at the same time; others either require additional surgeries or nonsurgical procedures we offer in our office. It includes breast procedure, body contouring to lose the excess fat and skin, repairing intimate parts, and more

Plastic Surgery for Men

Body contouring helps improve a man’s definition. The most requested procedures include liposuction/sculpting, body augmentation, body lift, and male breast reduction (Gynecomastia). Over the past few years, a daddy do-over has become popular among our male patients. Custom designed to each man’s personal needs, daddy do-over body contouring surgeries typically include multiple procedures performed together to achieve specific desired contours. It may also include nonsurgical and/or minimally invasive services.

Plastic Surgery for All

No matter our patients’ age, many facial procedures can help improve their appearance.

  • Eyes: Nothing makes you look tired than droopy, saggy eyes. Bags just don’t belong on your face. That’s why upper and/or lower Blepharoplasty (eye lid surgery) can take years off your face.
  • Face: Jowls don’t look great on anyone nor does a saggy turkey neck. A face and/or neck lift bring back a more youthful facial appearance.
  • Brows: If your brow is lower than it used to be and you miss a more open upper face, consider having a brow lift.
  • Nose: Whether you’ve been born with a bumpy, lopsided, or too big for your face nose, been hit in it a time or two, or just are unhappy with its shape, a better-looking nose is possible. Rhinoplasty (commonly called a nose job) may be the solution for you.

Schedule your winter plastic surgery now!

Beat the crowd by scheduling your consultation. Don’t delay. Please contact my patient coordinators to schedule your confidential consultation. Click here or send us an email at [email protected].

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.