You deserve a Daddy Do-Over

By: Our Team


Got a dad bod? Want to get back to a more youthful shape? You’re not alone. But you don’t have to be a dad to need or want a daddy do-over. Lots of men are getting plastic surgery than ever before. They want to improve their appearance, remove years of aging, and feel better about themselves. If this sounds like you, it may be time to consider a daddy do-over.

What is a daddy do-over?

Men begin to see body and facial changes as early as their 30s and 40s. Typically, this includes weight gain and stubborn fat in the abdominal area, excessive breast tissue, as well as facial wrinkles and fine lines. That’s where a daddy do-over comes in. This is not a single procedure, but rather a combination of surgical and nonsurgical procedures that address men’s body and facial issues. Similar to a mommy makeover minus the pregnancy issues, a daddy do-over consists of a combination of cosmetic surgical procedures. It may also have minimally invasive and nonsurgical components that we perform in the office.

  • It can help reverse some of the effects of aging and years of a less-than-perfect lifestyle.
  • There is no set formula; rather we tailor every procedure to each patient’s specific needs. We design your daddy do-over specifically to help you obtain the body and facial contours you want.
  • I follow my narcotics-free approach as I believe you don’t need highly addictive drugs for effective pain control. This helps you have a quicker and more effective recovery.

What procedures are included in a daddy do-over?

All procedures are available but not all men need everything. What’s right for you is a custom combination of procedures designed to meet your needs.

  • Body-wise, It may include a tummy tuck, liposuction, or male breast reduction (Gynecomastia) surgery. Men often want liposuction on their abdomen, flanks, and even inner thighs. Chest contouring is also growing in popularity. Beer belly? A tummy tuck may solve that!
  • Facially, to reduce the effects of years of aging and gravity, more men are having brow lifts, face lifts, neck lifts, and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). Again, several of these can be performed as one surgical procedure.
  • Some patients include Wrinkle Relaxers, dermal fillers, laser treatments, and other non-surgical procedures to reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles on their faces.

Are you a good candidate?

The best candidates for these types of body contouring procedures are men who are already in relatively good shape and weight. While daddy do-over helps men get a more youthful body, it is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Is a daddy do-over right for you?

No one needs to know you’ve gone the plastic surgery route to look and feel better about yourself. My goal is to help you look better, younger, refreshed! Curious or ready? Now may be the right time for you to schedule your confidential consultation. Please contact my patient coordinators for your appointment. Call click here or send us an email at [email protected].

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.