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Liposuction: more than just for tummies

By: Our Team


Patients come to me wanting liposuction. That’s no surprise since it is one of the most frequently performed procedures in plastic surgery. They usually point to their stomach and want to lose the excess fat there that neither diet nor exercise touches. And, Lipo is great for that. Sometimes, patients need more than just lipo; often it’s part of a tummy tuck where I remove excess skin, as well as the fat.

But liposuction is for more than just for tummies. It’s a great way to help shape patients’ bodies to give them slimmer, sleeker contours. This surgical procedure uses a suction technique that permanently removes fat cells from the body in specific areas and allows for shaping the treated areas.

Areas commonly treated with liposuction

Tummies? Yes. This is a great way to lose excess fat and tighten and tone the stomach. And so many other areas benefit from the liposuction body sculpting technique. Here are a few:

  • Love Handles: We can remove the excess fat on our waist and flanks.
  • Hips: We remove that pesky fat and contour what’s left to give you a well-defined shape.
  • Arms: If you have some sagging underarms due to excess fat, lipo may be the solution you seek. Keep in mind that “bat wings” can’t be solved this way. For that, you’ll want to talk with us about brachioplasty (upper arm lift).
  • Butts: Too big? Lipo is an option for reducing the size. If you want a larger buttock, instead you’ll want to explore a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and fat transfer.
  • Thighs: With a liposuction procedure, you can lose those saddlebags, as well as sculpt your inner and/or outer thighs.
  • Chin: Even a small area like your chin can be treated with liposuction. But, if you don’t want surgery, there are a couple of nonsurgical options, including Kybella and CoolSculpting.

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

In general, good candidates for liposuction include: adults that are within 30% of their ideal weight; have firm, good muscle tone; and their skin has good elasticity. Patients should be in good general health and not have any medical conditions that can impair healing or a serious illness. And, of course, no smoking!

Liposuction is not a treatment for cellulite, nor is it a substitute for diet and exercise. Overweight or obese people are not candidates for lipo.

Opioid-free recovery is possible

It’s true. You won’t need opioids to have a pain-free recovery. During your liposuction procedure, I inject local anesthetics into the surgical site. These non-opioid drugs release gradually, giving you the recovery time you need without pain. Patients are able to handle any residual discomfort with non-narcotic medications.

Thinking about getting liposuction?

Learn if lipo is right for you. Schedule a confidential consultation with my patient coordinators at [email protected].


Our new and expanded office is located at 939 W North Avenue, Suite 600, in Chicago’s Lincoln Park!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.