New year, new look

By: Our Team


The holidays are over and it’s time for you to have the new look you’ve been wanting. Start the year with a new year’s resolution: NEW YEAR, NEW LOOK. Now is the time to schedule the surgery, minimally invasive, and nonsurgical procedure you want. Your inner self will be so happy when you look on the outside the way you want. We’re your aesthetic team! We want you to have fabulous results! So, let’s explore some of the options for you to consider:

Surgical Procedures

Breast Procedures

Women choose breast surgery for a variety of reasons. Most often, women want larger breasts. However asymmetry, sagging, and the need for revisions, reconstruction, reduction, or other conditions have women expressing their discontent with the appearance of their breasts. For augmentation, we offer both implant and fat transfer options. Men have breast-related issues as well. Some men have excess fat and breast tissue they cannot shed no matter how hard they try. In these cases, male breast reduction surgery (gynecomastia) solves their issues.

Body Contouring

No matter what your issues or concerns are, we can help you have the body you want. Surgical options include liposculpture, tummy tuck, mommy makeover, daddy do-over, butt lift/Augmentation, and body augmentation.


We offer many surgical ways to improve and enhance the appearance of your facial features, as well as reduce the signs of aging. These include eye lids, face lifts, neck lift, brow/forehead lift, and rhinoplasty.

Minimally Invasive & Nonsurgical Options

There are so many ways we help patients look their best.

Minimally Invasive

So, you don’t want surgery but need a bit of tightening, lifting, or correcting. The good news is we have a range of options for you. From lasers to radio frequency (RF) technology tools, to injectables, or a combination of procedures, we can give you a younger, smoother look.

Nonsurgical Options

Have you noticed deep wrinkles and hollow facial areas that make you look like one of your older relatives? Dermal fillers, based on hyaluronic acid, may be the solution you seek. They temporarily soften facial wrinkles, provide facial volume, and augment facial features.

Wrinkles? Who wants them? No one. And that’s why we offer a range of neuromodulators including Wrinkle Relaxers, Jeuveau™, Xeomin®, and Dysport®.

Or how about losing some unwanted fat? CoolSculpting is a great nonsurgical way to freeze it away with no downtime.

Procedures for men and women

From breast to body contouring to facial procedures…we are pleased to be your plastic surgery practice for all your needs. We offer better surgical techniques — including narcotics-free recovery, and Pro-Nox for in-office procedures. You’ll have minimal downtime and quicker recovery, letting you get back to your normal life that much faster.

Schedule your New Year, New Look confidential consultation now

Please contact my patient coordinators to schedule your confidential consultation. Click here or send us an email at [email protected].

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.