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Oh no, it’s a double chin

By: Our Team


Got a double chin? Technically submental fullness, it doesn’t matter what you call it, the bottom line is you hate that excess fat and loose hanging skin underneath your jawline that’s creating the extra chin. Causes include genetics, weight gain, or age-related skin sag. But, regardless of why and how much extra chin is distorting your face, you want it gone! The good news is we have surgical, nonsurgical, and minimally invasive options to get rid of it!

Surgical options

The fastest and most permanent way to eliminate a double chin is to surgically remove the excess skin and/or fat. We have two great options:

Neck Lift

You might not have thought of it this way, a neck lift not only corrects sagging or loose skin on the neck but can correct a double chin as well.

This surgical procedure removes excess sagging skin and fat below the face. And that includes the chin! When I perform a neck lift, I remove or redistribute fat, trim excess skin, reposition tissue, re-drape skin, and tighten the platysma muscle. If needed, I may also include liposuction to remove excess fat, which is extremely effective for patients with double chins.

Since this is surgery, there are scars, and, depending on the type of lift, I hide them along the hairline, in the sideburns, around the natural ear contours, or below the chin.


Yes. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from beneath the skin and sculpts the chin and neck contour, but it cannot tighten the skin. It is the permanent removal of fat cells, though if you gain weight, fat can redeposit, usually where you least want it.

Liposuction scars occur, but they are usually minimal.

Nonsurgical options

Don’t want surgery but want to get rid of that extra chin? Consider these nonsurgical fat reduction options that get rid of excess fat and leave behind a smooth defined jawline. These nonsurgical treatments require no anesthesia or downtime. They have very minor side effects — including swelling, bruising, redness, or lumpiness — that resolve within a week or two.


Kybella is the only FDA-cleared injectable treatment for eliminating unwanted fat under the chin. Developed through a synthetic version of dexoycholic acid, Kybella targets only the fat cells, leaving other cells and tissue unaffected. It causes rapid destruction and absorption of the fat cells, which are eliminated through the body’s natural metabolic processes.

Patients may need 2 – 6 in-office treatments scheduled a month apart to achieve ideal results.


CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment that uses cryotherapy to eliminate unwanted fat. One 35-minute treatment can remove up to 25% of the fat from a double chin, which is more than enough to make a noticeable improvement. In clinical trials, participants needed only two Coolsculpting treatments to achieve their desired results for their chin.

Minimally invasive

Some patients either aren’t ready for or don’t want surgery but need more than what nonsurgical treatments can accomplish and want faster results. That’s exactly where a minimally invasive solution comes in.


BodyTite and FaceTite use the FDA-cleared liposuction device which works on patented RFAL (radiofrequency–assisted lipolysis) technology. This addresses both skin tightening, as well as fat reduction. It’s an innovative minimally invasive procedure that uses local anesthesia to provide near-surgical quality results without the added downtime and scars associated with surgery.

This in-office procedure reduces a double chin by tightening loose skin in the chin, neck, and jaw area, contouring the jawline, and reducing fat. The results are a reshaped and improved chin contour.

Which is right for you?

The answer depends on many factors including your skin, desired end results, time frame, and even your budget. Schedule your confidential consultation now and let us help you assess the best option for you. Please contact my patient coordinators for your appointment. Click here or send us an email at [email protected].

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.